16 July, 2024

All Saints’ Church, Appleton-le-Street

There will be a Eucharist/Family service at All Saints’ Church, Appleton-le-Street on Sunday 14th July at 9am. The service will be led by Canon Bill Ankers, Organist Mr Jonathan Piercy. Come and join us – everyone very welcome.

St Helen’s Church, Amotherby

There will be a Eucharist/Family service at St Helen’s Church, Amotherby on Sunday 23rd June at 10.30 am. The service will be led by Canon Bill Ankers. Organist Mr Philip Moore. Come and join us – everyone very welcome. Refreshments will be served following the service.

Unconfirmed Minutes of the most recent Business Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting

Unconfirmed Minutes of Last Business Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting are now available. Please click here.


Please click here for the Business Meeting Agenda.

Please click here for the Annual Meeting Agenda.

Notice of Parish Annual Meeting and Business Meeting

Please click here for further information.

Remembrance Service at the War Memorial, St Helen’s Churchyard, Amotherby.

As St Helen’s Church is temporarily closed for essential restoration works, our Remembrance Service this year will be held at the War Memorial in St Helen’s Churchyard at 10.45am on 12 November. The service is led by Canon Bill Ankers.

Please come and join us to remember those who so bravely served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

St Michael’s Church, Barton-le-Street

All Souls’ Service – Thursday 2nd November at 7:00pm led by Revd. D. Robertson

There will be an All Souls service held at St Michael’s Church,
Barton le Street to commemorate those who have died.
During the service the names of those who are no longer
with us will be read out and commemorated. 

If you would like to have someone’s name included in
this part of the service, please email the name of the deceased, and where they were resident to: wmwilsonsthelenschurch@gmail.com

There is a list being gathered on the table inside
the entrance to St Helen’s Church, Amotherby
where names can also be left.

Minutes of the most recent Business Meeting

Unconfirmed Minutes of the most recent Business Meeting are now available. Please click here.

Broughton Parish Meeting – Agenda

Please find attached the agenda for the Parish Meeting on Wednesday 18th October.

St Helen’s Church, Amotherby

On Sunday 15 October, St Helen’s Church, Amotherby will hold a Lay led Harvest Festival with Janet Burrows. Organist Jonathan Piercy. All welcome. 

Donations to and collection for Ryedale Food bank. (We are only able to accept tinned or packet foods.)