16 July, 2024

St Helen’s Church, Amotherby

Sunday 27th August 10.30am Eucharist with Canon Bill Ankers

Organist Philip Moore and the Music Group Choir

All welcome to come and join the service. Refreshments will be offered afterwards. Following our service at 12.15 pm three Baptisms will be held.

St Helen’s Church, Amotherby

Sunday 25th June 10.30am

Morning Eucharist Service with Canon Bill Ankers.
Dr Philip Moore Organist

Come and join in our service of hymn singing and praise
or just sit and listen to the words and music.

Refreshments will be served after the service  –  all welcome

There will be a Baptism following our Morning Service

Unconfirmed Minutes of Last Business Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting

Unconfirmed Minutes of Last Business Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting are now available. Please click here.

Amotherby: St Helen’s Church Matters

Sunday 7th May -10.30 am

Service at St Helens Church Amotherby with Canon Simon Wright

Mr Paul Tranmer Organist

Please come and join us – all very welcome

Annual Parish Meeting and Business Meeting Agendas

Please find attached the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting and also the agenda for a Business Meeting due to take place on Wednesday 17th May 2023, 7:30pm at Swinton BSA Sports Hall.

Notice of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Business Meeting

Please click here for the Notice of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Business Meeting.

Collection point for Ryedale Foodbank


St Helen’s Church in Amotherby is a collection point for Ryedale Foodbank

If you would like to leave donations of food, there is a box marked Ryedale Foodbank at the back of the church. Long life goods, packets and tins are always welcome. Toiletries also needed. Please will you help Ryedale families this winter.

Remembrance Sunday

Service at St Helen’s Church, Amotherby – Sunday 13th November

The service is at 10.45 am Eucharist with Canon Bill Ankers then 11.40am laying of the wreath at Amotherby War Memorial.  The first part of the service is in church.  

Unconfirmed Minutes of Last Business Meeting

Unconfirmed Minutes of Last Business Meeting (12.10.22) now available in Parish Meeting/Minutes and Agendas/21stC Minutes.

Broughton Parish Meeting – Agenda

Please find attached the agenda for the Parish Meeting on Wednesday 12th October.