22 October, 2024

Disclaimer and Privacy


This site is managed on a voluntary basis by Gill Woodhead on behalf of Broughton Parish.

Every reasonable effort is taken to ensure that material presented on this site is accurate and up to date.

Broughton Parish Meeting cannot be held responsible for any loss resulting directly or indirectly from your use of the information on this website, or from your failing to find errors or omissions in the information on this website.

A number of sites are linked from this website and the Parish Meeting accepts no liability for opinions expressed in such web pages nor for the accuracy, suitability or usefulness of information, held on those sites.

The right is reserved not to publish material which is considered to be offensive or promotes unlawful activities.

Anyone concerned about any content should use the Contact Us forms to alert the web editor who can then remove unsuitable material.

Privacy Statement

Broughton Parish Meeting undertakes not to share any e-mail addresses of correspondents with any other organisation/person without explicit permission.

This permission would be implied should the situation arise were correspondence has to be passed to a third party for attention or action, such as a statutory authority, unless a specific request is made to remove the correspondent’s details.  This situation is more likely to arise where someone uses the Contact Us form to contact the parish clerk.

In the event of the Web Editor receiving correspondence considered to be a matter for the attention of the Parish Clerk, this will be forwarded to the Parish Clerk,  or if necessary,  to the Parish Chairman.  However the Web Editor cannot be held responsible if no response is given, nor action taken by the clerk/chairman.

AGW 2011