23 October, 2024

20thC meets 21stC

From left, Jeff Paulin, Ben Cluderay, John Lund.

The 20th Century met the 21st Century when these Broughton natives said hello to each other for the first time.

Broughton’s two oldest villagers born at home in the 20th Century are Jeff Paulin, who arrived in a bedroom in Flowery Bank, and John Lund born in a bedroom at Manor Farm.  Over the years home births became a rarity, and it is thought Benjamin Thomas Cluderay is the first for many years to be born in a house in  Broughton.

Ben arrived in the bathroom of Broad View at around 9.30pm on the 24th September 2005 , making him likely to be the first native of the 21st Century.

The second child of Tim and Emma, his original due date was early October.  This was  brought forward 10 days to his Mum’s disbelief.  So Emma got a shock when her waters broke while sat on a sofa downstairs. She went upstairs to prepare for going into hospital, but ten minutes later Tim, phone tucked under his ear, was following instructions on how to deliver his son. Fortunately the couple had completed a basic course on child birth before the arrival of their first child Megan.

Although an ambulance arrived,  it was turned away when the midwife arrived and Mum and baby were taken by car into Malton Hospital.  But baby Ben was struggling.  A second call was put in for an ambulance which blue-lighted Emma and baby to Scarborough Hospital.  Ben had to spend two days in special care before allowed home.

Megan and Ben now have another brother Dan and a sister Sophie.  Unlike his brother, Dan was reluctant to arrive while Sophie gave her Mum another testing time – although on this occasion Emma managed to make it to a wheelchair in the corridor of Malton Hospital before giving birth!

AGW 2011

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