23 October, 2024

Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee

Britain was invited to mark the 60 years of the Queen’s reign by joining in the Diamond Jubilee in 2012.

Principal national celebrations will centre around an extended weekend at the beginning of June with Bank Holidays on both Friday the 2nd (which is the end of May Bank Holiday moved for this occasion)  and an extra Bank Holiday on Monday 5th.

The Queen came to the throne on the 6th February 1952 with her Coronation held the following year on 2nd June 1953.

The last time there was a Diamond Jubilee was Queen Victoria’s in 1897.

The old sycamore tree at the junction of Breedycroft Lane and the B1257 was planted to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Jubilee, possibly her Golden Jubilee as some 130 rings were counted.   A four-feet wide slice of the tree trunk is currently being cared for by Broughton Parish Chairman John Lund.

Should this section be preserved to mark our Queen’s Diamond Jubilee?  If so, how should this be funded – via the Parish Meeting or separate public subscription?  And where should it be sited?

At the April Parish Meeting it was agreed that John Lund turn a section of the tree into a seat to be placed in the area of the Gatehouse below Manor Farm.

At the moment nothing is planned for any planting to commemorate the current Diamond Jubilee which may well be the only one for at least another century.  Should a tree be acquired for this celebration?  If so, what sort and where should it be planted?

The April Parish Meeting has agreed to plant a tree as well as acquire snowdrops.  Where they are to be planted is to be decided later.

Should everything be left to those few who run the Parish Meeting?  Or should residents get directly involved?

Up to now the Parish Meeting has agreed to provide a commemorative mug for every child/student up to Year 11 which clearly will be a wonderful memory for those receiving the mugs.

For the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in June 2002 Garry and Rosemary Reddihough, who at the time were new-comers to the village,  personally invited each household to a bring-and-eat food and drink event in their garden.

In the past other Royal celebrations  were marked with street parties and fancy dress parades.

Broughton’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations were once again held at Oak Farm.  See photos on a dedicated page

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Picnic June 5th 2012 at Oak Farm.

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