23 October, 2024

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Picnic 5th June 2012

All together for the camera

Broughton residents celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee thanks to the loan of a lawn and a trio of hard-working ladies.

Garry and Rosemary Reddihough offered their lawn at Oak Farmhouse for the tea-time bring-your-own picnic.

It  featured a children’s Paint the Queen competition as well as traditional games like egg and spoon races and pass the parcel.

But for much of the time the children entertained themselves with bats and balls.

Mandy Prest and Mollie Tindall, both of Broughton, and Sue Sleightholme, who moved out of the village only recently, organised the get-together which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who supported their efforts.

Organisers of the picnic with Mr and Mrs Reddihough



Pictured (right)  are the organisers together with Mr Garry Reddihough (towards the back in the pinkish shirt).

Immediately in front of him is his wife Rosemary (blue blouse).

This is the second Jubilee celebration for which they have opened up the gardens of their home.  They had lived in Broughton for just over a year when Her Majesty celebrated her Golden Jubilee.

In front of Rosemary is from the left, Mollie Tindall (Union Jack bowler hat), Mollie Prest (blue top) and Sue Sleightholme (red top).

John Lund, Chairman of Broughton Parish Meeting, thanked Garry and Rosemary for their generosity in providing a venue for the village and the three ladies, Mollie, Mandy and Sue for their willingness to organise the event.  He also thanked me for taking the photos – but that was before he had the chance to see them!

 Painting Comptition

At the start of the afternoon, John  led a toast to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.  Later he presented the prizes to the painting competition winners.

Paint our Queen competition winners


The painting contest was split into three age groups.  All three groups were judged by Margaret Clarke.

Winners of the 12-year-olds was Amy Corner with Ellie Peirson runner-up.

Evie Bates and Annabel Kirk came first and second in the 6/7 year-olds group.

The youngest section, for 3/4 year-olds, was won by Kate Piercy with Harry Bates in second place.

Only Ellie was not there to personally collect her prize.

Pictured from the left are, Amy Corner, John Lund with Kate Piercy on his knee, Evie Bates, Anabel Kirk and Harry Bates.


Egg and Spoon Races

Dads line up for the egg and spoon race

Lining up for the Dads’ Egg and Spoon Race, at least one competitor looks as if he is taking the race very seriously.

Mums line up for the egg and spoon race



Lined up at the start of the Mums Egg and Spoon Race, all the ladies seem quite relaxed.

But who was the most competitive?

Much entertainment was provided by these two races with the Mums clearly displaying the most competitive spirit!  As in all such games,  taking part was more important than winning!

Winning line for the children's egg and spoon race



For the children, who could take the most effective tumble at the end seemed to be more important than keeping those eggs firmly on the spoons.


Enjoying other people’s culinary efforts – especially those good at creating mouth-watering sweets – was a major part of the afternoon’s attractions.

The picnic was set out on a long table beneath a canopy but the weather was neither too warm nor wet, but always better to be safe than sorry.

Another important aspect was having the time to stand or sit and chat to one another.

Some of the group photos were supplied to the local papers.  However as it was difficult to see everyone on these, photos were also taken of each “side”.  As with all group photos, there is always one person who avoids looking at the camera.  On at least one there is clearly something highly amusing going on “off stage”  – perhaps someone will enlighten the rest by adding a comment on the Speak your Mind section below!

The rest of the photos are shown beneath the words displayed as simply as possible!

All photos can be viewed in a larger format by clicking on the photo and then clicking again on the next photo that appears.

Anyone spotting an error or typo, please let me know so that it can be corrected.

Anyone with an e-mail address wishing to have copies of the photos sent to them should contact me via the Contact the Web Editor section under the Contact Us menu. Photos supplied by email will have a higher resolution that those posted on the website.

As our website is courtesy of Ryedale District Council it is difficult to include a large number of photos. Efforts to persuade the Parish Meeting to subscribe to a service such as Flickr fell on deaf ears – this of course would have allowed us to post us as many photos as we wanted on-line.  Gill

Those on the right-hand side of the group photo










Picnickers on the right-hand side - another view










 Picnickers from the left










Closer to  left side Picnickers 










Altogether for the camera - another one










Altogether for the camera - again










All together for the camera










Waiting for the picnic to start










Organiser Mandy Prest taking photos - but found she was being  snapped herself!


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