22 October, 2024

Why now?

By the end of 1990 the parish had over £26,000.  This followed the sale of the parish cottages.   Consequently there was no need to set a precept.

The Sports Hall, built in Swinton, also  serves the villages of Broughton and Amotherby.   Broughton Parish agreed a donation of £3,000  to the Swinton District Playing Field Association towards initial costs.  Further, a loan of £10,000 was agreed.  In1999 repayments of £500 annually began.  No interest was charged. Other expenditure for the benefit of the sports hall included a television for the lounge;  donations given towards new equipment for both the  Swinton Short Mat Bowling Club and the Swinton and Broughton Cricket Club.  The annual fireworks display was also financially supported over the years.

The Parish purchased 12 new street lights (£2,277.00), for which grant covered 30% of cost.

£1,000 was contributed towards the purchase price of land to form a new burial ground for the parishes of Amotherby, Swinton and Broughton.  

There was also a  donation of £2,000, agreed in October 2007,   towards the upgrading of the Swinton Reading Rooms, used for the Playgroup, table tennis, snooker and a polling station for Broughton residents. 

The rest of the monies were used over the years to cover various parish costs, of which the largest annual cost is  electricity for the 14 street lamps and replacement of the lamps when needed.   Removing the hedge and replacing with a fence, to improve visibility towards Swinton for motorists emerging from Main Street onto the B1257,  was also funded by the Parish.

Although Amotherby Parish Hall , originally built to serve the church parish, includes Broughton in the parishes it serves, it was not financially supported.

Further details of the above expenditure can be found in either the 20thC Minutes  or the 21stC Minutes. or the accounts.

Compare Broughton’s precept with those of  its neighbouring parishes.

For 2011-2012 the parishes of Amotherby and Swinton each levied a precept of £2,700 – £200 more than Broughton’s precept of £2,500.

Because of the difference in number of households, those living in a D band property in Amotherby pay £17.73 a year, Swinton residents pay £12.57 a year while Broughton residents now pay £29.97.

Have your say

Everyone in Broughton who is on the electoral roll has the right not just to attend meetings, but also to speak and vote on all issues.